Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I think i've done more than my fair share of whining and complaining, thinking how unfair life is, wallowing in self pity and forever feeling sorry for myself.

But there were moments when i actually realised that i'm blessed. I don't know what i did to deserve all the nice things, but i am truly grateful, thankful for i'm blessed.

The balloon said "semoga sihat sejahtera (amin), dilindungi di dunia & akhirat (amin) dan cepat kawen (woohoo! amin) - amin -".

Thank you to Mak & Bapak, Brat, Aunt Techkie & family and the rest.

p/s: I've finally crossed over to the darkside. And i'm giddy.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Reality show

I was in a colleague’s car on the way back home. At the other side of the street, there was a couple on the sidewalk of the Muzium Telekom. The guy had his one hand firmly around the girl’s throat choking her, taking several steps back and shoved her to the ground.

What the heck was that?!

While the girl was on the ground, there were 2 ladies passed by and did nothing. To me, that was understandable as I think, the ladies didn’t see everything from the beginning plus, even if they did, the guy is big enough to whack the ladies to pulp. What got me all annoyed was a policeman who is guarding the Telekom parking entrance was just standing there watching the drama! Without doing anything! You are a policeman for goodness’ sake! This is the time to be trigger-happy! Just unclip just weapon, aim and shoot the shit! Take out your pepper mace and spray it! Then, use you club and bludgeon him to death! I know, redundancy of exclamation marks, can’t help it.

What the heck was that, you spineless pathetic lame policeman?!

I noticed that the girl was holding an umbrella. God knows I really want her to use the pointy part of the umbrella and hit the guy in the nuts. Really hard! So that he can’t use it ever again for the rest of his life. And while he’s writhing in pain, the girl should continue to beat him with the umbrella senselessly and runs away!

In traumatizing reality, the guy bent down, talking something. Pull the girl up. Both talking with sad/scared expression on the girl’s face and macho/shitty on the guy’s and they walked away holding hands!

WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!! Holding freaking hands?! All forgiven and forgotten? Come on!

He hurts and humiliates her in public, I just hope that she dumps and left the guy. But not before she whacks or chokes or kicks him good. Seriously girl, what were you thinking? Ok, maybe you were thinking that “hey, I’m in love, in a relationship and I got someone to walk holding hands with, unlike you and you don’t understand all these”. Sure, there is very teeny weeny understandable point in that but please lah, in exchange of letting other people treat you like crap? especially physically. You’ve got to be kidding!

Gosh, I though all these traumatizing stuff only happens in movies. It brought out allthe exclamation marks and the violence in me. I need to go and fix an appointment with my shrink.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Mommies' talk

After the exam, I met up with my senior. No, I’m so not gonna talk about the exam, it’s too soon, I’m still raw. I need to go through several more sessions with my shrink to be able to talk about it. 

Anyway, my senior (Sr.) met up with her senior (Double Sr.) and Double Sr. was nice enough to gift me a lift to the LRT station despite not knowing me. Well, she sending Sr., so, why not? I sat at the back like a big boss would. Double Sr. apologized for her messy mom-with-small-kids car; “macam ni lah kereta orang ada anak kecik” was her exact words. She should’ve seen Mak’s car! And Mak’s kids are all grown up! Mak has some serious apologizing to do, I tell you. 

So, the big boss was at the back all by herself, Sr. and Double Sr. chatted at the front. “My daughter is ok, but my son is a bit slow” “Well, boys are like that” “But I noticed he has good memory” “I even have to hold her hands so that she’d do her homework” “He passed his level two of reading” “how do I get to make my daughter do that?”. I think under normal circumstances, I, the unattached, unmarried and unkid, would’ve rolled my eyes.  

But I guess, I’ve grown & matured. 

I was sitting at the back, stifling my giggles like little daughters would coz mommies are talking grown-up.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mission: Aborted

I need to move up a phase of my stalking mission; Phase 0 to phase 1. Ok, that’s not moving up, that’s “starting up”! My plan is to talk to Jo, the stalkee’s colleague; to press her for some info and stuff. After several days, I’ve finally met her at the Lava (not some fancy coffee joint, just a chic word for “LAVAtory”) yesterday. After much consideration, reciting prayers & calming my erratic heartbeats…

Me: Jo, do you remember last week we were in the lift going down for lunch. You were with some lady friends and 3 guys; one is bald, one is chinese and another wearing specs? (Specs is stalkee)
Jo: *Looking confused and trying to remember* Hmmm…The bald one is Pravin, the chinese.….the other one....?
Me: I think the one wearing specs is new lah, only saw him since a month ago. He just looks very familiar lah (such an excellent cover-up and lie!)
Jo: He’s a malay?
Me: I dunno, looks like it.
Jo: Hmm. Oh! That’s Nazri. Very handsome kan? *she laughed nervously like she’s not supposed to find other guy is good looking coz she’s happily married*
Me: Cute! *Joining her laugh to make it like jokey moment with her but God knows I do find him cute! But definitely not handsome*

With the jokey moment continues, perfect moment to ask something; gotta try my luck!

Me: He’s married ah?
Jo: Beluuum…tapi baru je engaged.
Me: Aahh. (read: Darn it!)

There you go. Execution of phase 1 led to the end of the whole mission.

Ok. Moving. On.

p/s: Went to book sale preview and my best buy is hardcover Postsecret book for RM10/-!
p/p/s: Will be having an exam for the umpteenth time on Tuesday. Wish me luck!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Book contest

I’ve been entering this weekly book contest ever since it started. And I never win anything

So. Ok.

Out of fun, when I comes to the 10th contest, I entered using Brat’s name. What happened? Of course, Brat was one of the winners! Now, she can’t stop bragging on her lucky name. Technically, yes, I won the contest (prize is a book). But still! One time try using Brat’s name and she won? The destiny didn’t conspire with me.

Subsequently, I entered using my name and no such luck. For the next few, I didn’t bother coz I don’t like the prize. Recently, I tried my luck again. And I won! Woo hoo! But wait, what did I get? I won myself an invitation to a cheap books sale preview. What? Lemme see. Brat won a book for free (though technically its mine), I won an invitation that requires me to fork out my money to get a book?! Where’s the justice here? Tell me.

Won a contest. Yay!
Pay to get book. Not so yay. In fact, not yay at all.

Destiny didn’t conspire with me.

p/s: I’m preparing to do some serious damage to my purse and my ears; not sure Mak will like me buying more books.

p/p/s: Woohoo, I just found a stash of cash that I never knew I had in one of my big magical bag’s pockets!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


My manager asked me to go to CCM today with *a colleague whom I have a problem of getting along with.

I feel like cryyyiiinnngggg. And the day just got gloomier.

*maybe one of these days, the story will be told.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Office Stalkee

How good is it to have a stalkee who works in the office opposite your office?

Very.good.indeed! Marvelous!

But how hard is it to stalk someone who works in the office opposite your office?

Apparently, very.hard.indeed.

Whenever I walk out of the office, he just came back from somewhere heading in. I can smile, but if other people caught me smiling to his back, that’s a bit dodgy.

p/s: maybe i can bribe the tea lady who always do some washing up in our shared washroom to put on good words for me? Heck, maybe i should just pass her a piece of paper with my number on it.

p/p/s: i.don'

Friday, November 06, 2009

Friends like these

The downside of going to work with your sister (read: Brat). Not working with her in the same office, just getting out of the house together.

When she needs to arrive at work early, we have to get out of the house early. That means, I arrive at the LRT station early. That means, I board the LRT early. That means, my stalking mission messes up. That means, the possibility of seeing the stalkee is practically none. That means, the sister has seriously messes up my plan single handedly. Gah!

The LRT stalkee is seriously cute, I kid you not. Especially when he dons his black skullcap and baju melayu. But I think he’s like, 8 years old i.e. way way way too young. Strictly for cuci mata only.

I recommend.

Danny Wallace’s Friends like these. It was one of the best books I’ve ever read…ever! Brilliantly funny and very well written. Not only I smiled and chuckled, I laughed! And I cried. Boo hoo.

You can borrow mine if you want, just don’t fold & crease the covers and most definitely do not break the spine! I’m particular like that. But even if you do (I hope accidentally), most probably I just overlook it because I’m nice like that.

Monday, November 02, 2009

No Plastic Bags!

If I can shove the things I’ve purchased into my big magic bag or my “recycle” bag, I will; “taknak plastic bag” I said.

Not really for environmental reasons (that’s secondary. Guilty!). Just that there are too many plastic bags in the house! And in my room! I don’t want to go through the “breeding plastic bags in my almari” phase again.

On my way to work this morning, I stopped by at the 24h convenient store. The lady in Q in front of me bought one small chocolate drink. The cashier girl asked “nak plastik?”, the lady said “yes”. And then my turn, I have 2 items and the cashier girl has standby-ed a plastic bag in her hand. After she teet-teet my purchase, I just said “taknak plastik”. Cashier girl said “Bagus! Dia tu (the lady with chocolate drink) tak alam sekitar betul”.

I just smiled. Smile because she said “tak alam sekitar”, that was cute.

And today, the world will be a better place for you and for me..and the entire human race. ;)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

You are the best thing

Absolutely love the horns!

Ray LaMontagne's You are the best thing

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Good & Bad

I went to my colleague’s house for raya do. The next day, my colleague told us that her mum said..

“Si Teek & J (my other colleague) tu lawaaa budak nya. Apsal la tak kawin lagi?”

Wahey! Makcik, you so totally deserve my cheese cake ;)


Why la the people who have been persistently asking me to do a facebook account are the same people who I’ve been thinking of NOT wanting to add if I were to have a facebook account? As if I need more stress from you guys. No thanks, I had enough during our school & college years. Stop bullying me.

She said “wamai budak mengkeb kat sitew”.

Ohmygod, please la save your babytalk for your babies.

p/s: Nowadays i'm so good at updating blog, aren't i?

Monday, October 12, 2009


 Some say it's cheesy, but it'll make one heckuva 'feel good', 'smiley', pick-me-up' song. And yes, a good love song too.

I hope your life is as good as you want it to be.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


On one hand, I’m reluctant to blog about this as I deem it as too serious of a topic for my blog and controversial too. But on the other, I feel the need to say it out.

This is about the well-known caning case and how people all around been giving their 2 cents’ worth. I’m sure you’ve read the statements by Sisters in Islam (SIS) and Joint Action Group (JAG) for Gender Equality. (The Star’s article).

SIS’ Ms. Zainah Anwar said “…tried to project Malaysia as a model Islamic country, whipping was unacceptable and could be seen as too severe.” She further added “Foreigners are interested to come to our country because of the moderate image we portray but, when they come here, they are shocked to find the level of conservatism practised. So where is this model Muslim country we have been trying to promote?”

Was she saying that moderate muslim drinks? (alcoholic drinks). Was she saying that it’s ok for moderate muslim to consume alcoholic drinks? I know that other people can derive with all sorts of conclusion from one same thing and that was my first conclusion upon reading that article. Was there a category of moderate, conservative, extreme etc at a first place? Or are we all just simply “muslims”? How can she bothers & worries about the image portrayed, promoted to the world and undermined the government but yet she didn’t worry at all on the portrayal and undermining God. Aaahh…that’s right; People talk, God don’t. But don’t forget, God act. And please do not insult other people’s intelligence, it was you who is shocked to find the level of “conservatism” practiced, not the foreigners. I don’t think they give a hoot.

SIS’ Dr Hamidah added “It is torture and a breach of human rights. We teach our children not to hit each other but then what are we, as adults and role models, showing the little ones if we condone such an act?”. Dr. Hamidah, are you saying that you condone the consumption of alcohol? Because from my understanding, that was what you were saying. What are you trying to teach the little ones, Dr. Hamidah?

An opinion is one thing but an opinion to a public at large which are made by a person in a capacity of representing an association which name symbolizes Islam and upholding the virtues of Islam is totally another different ballgame. Personally, I think the statement is irresponsible. Ms. Zainah, Dr. Hamidah and SIS are irresponsible, stupidly irresponsible.

This is not a discussion on the lady who’ve been caught or on the punishment meted, not even on any other Syariah matters. This is only about the irresponsible opinions made by so-called Adult muslims on this one particular matter.

And JAG, I think you should’ve stick to fight and champion for equal pay of women in workforce or the blatant exploitation of women at large. Me thinks those are more important. And I don’t think it is right for other people to ask for other people’s law to be repealed. That’s just so rude.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Cocktails of Life

A week ago, it was bad. It was, for several days but I feel like it lasted forever. I feel like a dark heavy cloud with lightning and thunder looming over me everywhere I go. I feel like I’ve been getting the short end of the stick. And I mean, every single stick in this whole wide world!

Maybe it’s just my negative human mind was working overtime. I can be very negative, pessimistic and skeptical.

I wish it all will just go away.

Or maybe I’ll just transform my short ended stick into pretty tiny umbrella and stick it into my lemonade of life, yes?

Monday, September 14, 2009


Breaking news!!! Breaking news!!!

OhmyGod. Ohmygoodness.

No, it was not discovered by Jason Mraz (dammit) nor Oprah (dammit again) nor Larry King or Anderson ‘gorgeous’ Cooper for CNN (why not?) nor Sandra Bullock or Brad Pitt or my previous stalkee. Arghh, you get my drift la.

I discovered about the discovery after discovering a comment left by the discoverer. Now read it repeatedly as fast as you can. Hah! Anyway, the spookiest coincidence in the whole wide world (or maybe it’s not a coincident), I think the first “Gotcha” comment was for my entry about Mak being a P.I. searching and asking for my blog! (Read here). Another comment was left here. Just to play with my mind, no names were left.

Ok, I have one main suspect and another one non-main suspect. The non-main suspect is Mak and I don’t think it’s Mak. If it’s her, you can bet your bottom dollar she would’ve boasts non-stop about it as soon as I arrived home. Plus, she’s too busy farming at Farmville! (yes, Mak has facebook account and I don’t though I’m very tempted by the farming). Now, my main suspect is my techkie aunt. And I’m so not gonna link “my techkie aunt” to her blog because one, she’ll definitely arrived here faster than I say “Snickers” and two, what if the person who left the comment under the pretense of discovering my blog was actually one of my 4 readers who just trying to pull my leg and unintentionally give me a panic attack in the process?

I’m not surprise if she discovered this blog as my cousin links me up but I’m surprised that she able to know that this blog is my blog. C’mon, what gives? Actually a lot! The smarty pants’ girlfriend, the umrah, the race driver…Dang.

Come out. Come out wherever you are. (and gives my heart a rest)

Update:- I have discovered the discoverer through my blog counter. True enough, techkie aunt linked me up. But i said "Snickers" faster. Hah!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Peanut butter phase

I had gone through several very important phases – ghee-d rice phase (I need to revisit this), Snickers phase (and this), Crunchie phase (this too), ghee balls phase (yes to this), famous amos phase (a definite yes to this).

Now, I’m in peanut butter phase. Crunchy please! Smooth for sissies. (Actually it’s not but I need some drama.). The more spread on the bread, the better. Well, no need for the bread, the betterest!

Whatever you do, do not..i repeat DO NOT eat your peanut butter with that wholemeal bread. That evil bread just ruins the sinful taste of heavenly peanut butter. In fact, DO NOT eat wholemeal bread at all.

Why la the healthy stuff usually yukhy?

Absolute heaven

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Stalking Sandra Bullock

I knew i picked the right actress to be my favourite. The more reason to love her!

"I think it's a necessary evil to sort of lure in your prey" - Sandra Bullock believes that stalking men is the best way to get a date. Read here.

Great minds think alike. Stalking rules!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bits and pieces

1. Chef Wan received an invitation from THE Oprah Winfrey to appear in her show! I’m so jealous! I so want to be in THE Queen Oprah’s show! Hello your majesty Queen Oprah, i have an underlying motive when I blogged about you, tau. The underlying motive being is to appear on your show (and get free stuff, but that’s secondary, unless the free stuff is a car then it’s primary)
2. Chris from Project Runway 4 is my favourite simply because he is absolutely very funny.
3. Permatang Pasir nomination day. Did you see the photo where the 2 candidates wore mask and their hands on each others’ masks, adjusting it? Ohmy, can’t it be more gay?! Why they agreed on such photo op is beyond my understanding.